why are you a baptist?

Many baptist's don't know why

If someone asked you that question, could you give them an answer? If not, we want to help change that. 

As a delegate of the Preacher’s Delight Conference, we would like to make both courses of Baptist History available to help you to have a greater understanding of your Baptist heritage. 

With each course, you will have access to video instruction outlining the history and heritage of Baptists in an easy-to-follow format. You can access these courses at any time, at any place, and at your pace.

There is a reason that you are a Baptist. These two courses will help you understand why.

Preview Each Course

Preacher's Delight Conference SPecial

What You Get:
Package #1
Baptist History 1 & II
Package #2
Package #1 + workbook
Package #3
Packge #2 + all books
Baptist History I Online Course ($50)
Baptist History II Online Course ($50)
The Collegiate Baptist History Workbook ($39)
America in Crimson Red ($39)
Foxes Book of Martyrs ($11.99)
The Trail of Blood ($3.95)

Register For The 2022 Preacher's Delight Conference